Go Within

Throughout the course of 10 weeks, you’ll experience what it’s like to live for you – without an apology this time.

Are you ready to stop settling for less and have the life you’ve always wanted?

You know the one…

That passionate life that sets your soul on fire!

That fulfilling life that at the end of the day makes you feel like you have purpose!

That new lifestyle that fills you with the self-satisfaction of knowing you DID IT when you were told you couldn’t!

Okay, so you may have already hit the reset button in Regroup & Reset and you’ve got your spark back (which is great) but maybe life around you hasn’t changed.

Does that mean you could still be:

  • Feeling stuck in your current job. Are you in a soul-crushing, unfulfilling career that eats up all your time and energy; yet, you find it’s really hard to let go of that sweet (or even not so sweet) steady paycheck?
  • Sick and tired of having to push your goals and dreams aside? Just when you think you’re on track, life has a funny way of sending you unexpected challenges, doesn’t it?
  • Trapped in a terrible relationship? Or having trouble attracting love? You desire a partner, and you deserve to be with the RIGHT one, but for some reason you keep attracting Mr. Wrong, don’t you?
  • Looking at your life and wonder, “How the hell did I wind up here?” Are you constantly comparing yourself to others who seem to have moved on with their lives and you haven’t yet?
  • Wishing you could escape your life to have adventures and travel all over the world? That all sounds good, but your pocketbook says, “Oh yeah! With what money? Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

Are you at the point where you don’t even know who you are any more or even what you want out of life? I get it, girl! Something has to change; but, you have no idea how to change it. There’s only one thing to do.

It’s time for you to…

Go Within!

I’ve got a little secret for you…

Life is supposed to be easy!

Hear me out! We’re constantly taught from the day we’re born that life is supposed to be hard. That we’re meant to struggle, work to the bone, and sacrifice in order to be happy. Sounds pretty backward, doesn’t it? That’s because it’s #nottrue.

For just a second, take that beautiful imagination of yours and picture a world where…

  • You no longer live by anyone else’s expectations. You thrive in the freedom of being your true, authentic self – without apology
  • You never compare yourself to others. You’re so confident and fulfilled by your own life, you have no need for jealousy or comparisons.
  • You have a strong network of girlfriends who know you and accept you – the real you. These are some serious soul sisters who are there to encourage you as you begin to take charge of your life and are there to cheer you on in the process!
  • You’re confident in your own abilities. You finally brush off the fear of failure and actually do and experience the things you’ve always wanted.
  • Your love life is exactly how you want it. You’ve attracted love into your life because you’ve learned to FLY (first love yourself)!
  • Sound a little too good to be true? Well, guess what?

    It’s 100% possible!

“Martini is a true light and the ultimate girlfriend in every sense of the word. Her program gave me the support, structure, and strategy I needed to help push my personal work and professional goals to the next level. I must admit, I can be a little cynical when it comes to this kind of work. But Martini’s GO WITHIN really helped me clear my head and be honest about what I feel, what I want, and how I can really lean into creating the highest version of who I am in the world. I truly looked forward to my exercises each day and could see the difference in my perspective and approach to my work. The work supported me by holding me accountable and made me feel clear, confident, and in tune with my most courageous self. So grateful for Martini and this gift. It has made me better. My perspective has shifted from uncertainty and lack to abundance on every level. Martini is magic and I’m so grateful that she helped me bring out my own magic with the GO WITHIN.”

Kaira A.


Go Within is a 10 week, kick-ass program that helps you reclaim the woman you desire to be who has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle of life. This fully-customized program uses an innovative and unconventional approach to help you hit the “reset” button and get a fresh start in life. 

Over the course of 10 weeks, we’ll dive deep into specific aspects of your life and see what’s really preventing you from having a life that you absolutely love.

You’ll discover how to:

  • Feel the freedom of being truthful about who you are without shame or guilt.
  • Figure out what’s working for you and what isn’t in your life – and why.
  • Look at the patterns and behaviors that are preventing your lifestyle of abundance.
  • Tap into the secrets to attract love and healthy relationships.
  • Use different methods to connect to a higher power.
  • Rely on your inner strength when things tend to go “wrong.”
  • Build your self-esteem to love yourself enough to not let anything get in the way of what is best for you.

My mentoring isn’t only about personal discovery (even though I love that part), it’s also about taking inspired ACTION for change. Everyone knows that change doesn’t happen overnight. When you set a clear intention and work hard to make it happen, the Universe is like, “Ok, cool! She’s serious; let’s help her out!” And that’s when amazing things happen.

That’s what this course is all about!

Pop out the bubbly, girlfriend!

“Martini embodies a unique blend of wit, wisdom, and magical inspiration. I truly appreciate that she leads by example and walks her talk. Martini’s awareness and experience mirrored for me juicy levels of growth opportunity. I currently live in Maui as a direct result of Martini’s example of manifestation. I’m internally grateful to be influenced by this dynamic woman.”

Terri H.


In this experience you will receive:

  • A Minimum of 6 Personalized Calls With Martini:

    Get ready for the good stuff. In our connection calls, I provide a safe space for you to discuss what’s exactly going on in your life. You’ll have the opportunity to be heard as you talk about what you want to change and celebrate in your life. Each call is intended to end with inspiration, motivation and ACTIONABLE steps to keep you moving forward. (Priceless)

  • 10 Weekly Modules:

    At the beginning of each of the 10 weeks, you’ll receive all the daily audio recordings for the week. These recordings are filled with stories, lessons, prompts, to-dos and other inspirational material that relate to the topic of the week. ($1,000 value)

  • Workbook for Journaling:

    This downloadable journal full of questions and prompts will assist you in keeping a record of your growth as you’re going through the program. ($300 value)


  • FREE copy of “The 7 Major Chakras” by Joan Peck:

    By understanding and appreciating your seven major sources of energy, this book provides you the tools to align your body’s energy so you will be as healthy and balanced as possible. Spiritually, you will learn how to use the energy of your chakras to connect with your higher power. You will walk away feeling a whole new world has been opened to you. We will be referencing this book several times throughout the course. ($20 value)

And many more gifts and surprises…


Anyone can apply! Just {CLICK HERE} and you’ll be taken to an online application where you’ll answer a few questions about your current journey, your goals, and what you hope to accomplish. Then we’ll connect by phone to discuss the best timeframe for you to enroll because space is limited to just 5 women per quarter. While everyone is welcome to apply, not everyone will be ready for this experience.

You’re probably not a fit if you’re…

  • Not ready to make changes in your life. You think you can just make a couple surface level changes and everything will be peachy. That’s not what this program is about.
  • Aren’t willing to step out of your comfort zone.Everything I teach is positive, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be asked to step outside your box, dig deep, and really investigate the heart of your blocks.
  • Don’t think you deserve better.If you’re willing to keep complaining about your life but not take action, this isn’t for you. I’m not here to give you some kind of quick and easy fix. If you’re a complainer, we’re probably not going to jive.
  • Close minded to new ideas and mindsets.I’m not going to lie, there’s going to be plenty of ‘WOO’ (think: new age, spiritual goodness!) and if that’s not your thing, this probably isn’t the program for you. However, if you’re willing to learn, open your mind, and expand your thinking, this course will be absolutely magical. 
  • Not willing to be transparent.This is a very safe space to be your true self and express your fears, concerns, worries and joys. If you can’t be willing to talk about what’s really going with you and your life, there’s not much else to say. 

I am fiercely passionate about helping women reclaim who they are.

Why? Glad you asked!

Because I’ve been there. And I don’t want to see you go through the same thing if you don’t have to.

Once upon a time, I thought I was on track. After all, I had done a lot of spiritual work right after surviving my suicidal experience.  For a while it was working and things were going along quite well, until…they weren’t.

So there I was walking around with my stones in my bra, smelling like patchouli oil, feeling and acting as if I was an enlightened being. However, the reality was that I was simply riding the surface of spirituality, allowing life to become routine and a little too “easy.” I felt the need to shake things up because I wasn’t used to things going so smoothly and wanted more excitement.

And as we all know how the Universe works, “ask and you shall receive.” And boy, did I!!

After only scratching the surface of spirituality and not setting a clear foundation, little did I realize, I was bound to have a relapse and a wake up call…


Unless you have truly gone within and has done the deeper work, you are vulnerable to a relapse, going back to old habits and lifestyle that is not in your highest and best interest. And I’m proof of that.

I began meeting new people, the wrong type of friends who weren’t in my highest and best interest.  Every night, I would hang out with them – drinking and partying like I was in my 20s again. As life began to feel more exciting, the chaos and drama that I had been used to began to creep in.  

One night, after a few drinks at a concert, I chose to drive home with my friend — drunk.   While driving intoxicated, I lost control of my car and landed head first into a ditch. Before the police arrived, my “friend” left me at the scene alone to deal with the consequences. When the police got there, instead of being rushed to a hospital, I was hauled off to jail for a DUI.

As I sat in jail by myself with a broken arm and no medical assistance, I was forced to take a hard look at how I was choosing to live my life. Had it really come down to my going back to all the same feelings I’d felt when I was suicidal years before: Disappointment in myself. Low self esteem. Regretful of my choices. Feeling like a failure. Devastated at what I had allowed myself to become.

All I could think of was, “Who am I? Where is that woman I used to be? What happened to the life I wanted? How did I get here? Isn’t there supposed to be more to life than this ?!”

I realized in that moment that things had to change. It was time to set a solid foundation of everything I had learned and reclaim myself. I had WORK to do and it was going to take every bit of strength in me and what I had learned to get my life back in order.  

It was now time for me to Go Within.

As I slowly pulled myself back together with girlfriends by my side, I discovered the secret keys to reclaiming who I am – living a life filled with passion, spirituality, and having a life worth living.

Through my journey, I realized I was called to be a girlfriend. I don’t mean a girlfriend like a buddy you can go grab a glass of wine with after work (even though that’s totally part of it). I mean a girlfriend who is your soul sister kinda girlfriend. A girlfriend who knows your spirit and loves you unconditionally. A girlfriend who is there when times are tough and ready to pop the champagne when it’s time to celebrate. A girlfriend who lets you know you are worthy, even when you forget you are. My intention is to be that kind of girlfriend for you.

I’m here to help you find the keys to your own soul, your own life, your own purpose.

It’s time for you to step up and be all you want to be. It’s not selfish to have what you want and you deserve to have all the best in life.

It’s time, girlfriend. It’s time.